My interview with Sam, age 5

What is something I always say to you? Play games.  Sometimes. (For the record, I never just tell him to go play games.)

What makes you happy? Playing games.

What makes you sad? Not playing games.

How do I make you laugh? You do something funny. Like make jokes.

What do you think I was like as a child? You were good.

How old are you? Five

How old am I? Eleven

How tall are you? I don’t KNOW how tall I am. I’m big.

What is your favorite thing to do? Play games.

What do I do when you’re not around? Type on your computer and clean sometimes.

What are you really good at? I’m really good at dodge ball.  (for the record, I don’t think he’s ever played dodge ball.)

What are you not really good at? I’m not really good a pool. Not the kind of pool you swim in. Just normal pool.

What does the president do? Writes down on papers. And eats chicken.

What is your favorite food? Ice cream. No. Pizza. Because Cake and ice cream are dessert. (apparently dessert is not food.)

What do you and I do together? Watch movies.

How are we the same? We have the same colored hair. (Not really.  His is blond and mine is very dark brown.)

How are you and I different? I don’t know. (So I asked him “what about that I’m a mom and you’re not?” and he said, “I don’t know. It’s hard to remember those things.”)

How do you know that I love you? Because, (giggles) BECAUSE. (seemingly embarrassed) Because I know that you love me because I love you.  And you let me play games a lot. And you come and check on us before you go to bed every single night.

What is one thing you wish you could change? Change our house and paint it green.

What do you wish you could go and do with me? We should go out to sea.

What is your job in our family? Cleaning my room.

What is your favorite room in the house? My bedroom.

What is your favorite animal? Hmm… Bear.

What has been your worst experience? It would be the saddest thing ever if Lucy died. But she’s not dead, so Dad being gone.

What is your favorite color? Green

What is your favorite number? Ten

What is your favorite letter? S


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Misunderstood T. rex

is a blog we are putting together as our family of ten grows. The blog is called Misunderstood T. rex because, like the infamous dinosaur, our large family is often misunderstood, profiled, and categorized simply because of our collective number of teeth.
This is a blog to help me remember our favorite recipes, and to help our future sons and daughters-in-law find out more about their spouses, what meals they like, and other things we'll throw into the mix.
There will also likely be drawings of T. rex's here and there because I draw T. rex's, being that we're practially related and all. Also, I'm not exactly sure what the plural for Tyrannosaurus Rex should be.
This introduction is much longer than I had planned.